What Is Individual Therapy?

Individual Therapy is essentially your space to navigate narratives and life events that have had an impact on how you show up now.

Sessions are focused on YOU and you are empowered to lean into sessions and unpack your worries, stresses, triggers and trauma at a pace that suits you.

Modalities range from a cognitive behavioural approach to an emotionally focused approach whilst also incorporating some somatic techniques.

An individual at a therapy session

Who Is Individual Therapy for?

Any person who has experienced/ is experiencing:

  • Stress

  • Emotional Dysregulation

  • Trauma

  • Grief and Loss

  • Postpartum Depression

  • Parenting stress

Youth experiencing:

  • Challenging behaviours in school or in the home

  • Attachment Disorder

  • Depression and Anxiety

INVESTMENT: $180 - 50 minutes

A man suffering from depression